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#28. Little Touches
That tower, remember?
You were just now ready to hop in and go. What's your deal?
Choro Notes: If you remember, in Black/White there were a pair of kids in here who would tell you a secret if you could beat Skyla. They're still here . . .
Choro Notes: In the two years since Black, the little girl has become a lass and they have a Ducklett now. It's a cute little touch!
- - -
Music: Unova Route 6
Choro Notes: Not all NPCs give out the same TMs, however. In Black, this girl gives out the Charge Beam TM. Now she just comments on the balance beams.
Oh, great.
Nooo, I've got it this time.
-Phone Call-
: Yo yo yo it's your boy Vinny what up?
???: Hi . . . Is this Vinny?
: Yes. Yes it's Vinny.
???: Really? So you listen to music often, Vinny?
: Just calling to make small talk or are you just verifying facts? Facts about my love of jazz.
???: Jazz, did you say? I like music, too.
: But not jazz, I'm noticing.
???: . . .
: . . .
???: Oops! My colleague is calling me. I have to get back to work! Good-bye.
: . . . what a weird girl.
Hmmmmmm . . .
Get an item, beat up a mushroom. Yup.
- - -
Choro Notes: This is another house that has a callback to Black.
Choro Notes: In Black, Haley traded this same fellow a Boldore for an Emolga. Now he wants an Emolga for a Gigalith. Boldore EVOLVE by trade. Unfortunately, even with memory sync, the Gigalith doesn't have Haley's Trainer ID or anything.
In addition, the girl in the house was originally a Lass with only one cottonee. Apparently she's gotten another and become an Ace Trainer! Good for her!
- - -
. . .
Choro Notes: The rare monster that appears in this grotto is Cubchoo, oh well.
Choro Notes: Mulch is Pokémon droppings. You can use it to affect your berry growth . . . in Sinnoh. Mulch has no effect in Gen5 as you can't grow berry plants. You can sell it for P100 OR . . .
Choro Notes: The Mulch Maniac at the end of Mistralton's runway will buy them for P1000 a shot.
. . . gross.
- - -
Choro Notes: If you keep going north you'll reach the tower.
Choro Notes: But even though Twist Mountain is closed off you should still head that way.
This is a story from way back then."
"Here's what they look like."
"Here's what Landorus looks like."
I see, I see.
Tornadus and Thundurus!"
Choro Notes: Thundurus, Tornadus & Landorus in Black2
These three are actually completely uncatchable in Black2/White2, they do not appear in the wild in any capacity. (Haley caught them in Black). Visiting this old man does give them to you as Seen in your Pokédex, however. In sticking with the theme of every Pokémon game having a gimmick, Black2 and White2 also have one that utilizes the 3DS's camera capabilities. I would totally show this off to you but it doesn't really have a doable way that would work well since it uses the AR system.
Basically you walk around and certain Pokémon can appear on screen and you zap them and catch them hooray. Items and Pokémon you get this way can be transferred to Black2 or White2 and the monsters will usually have hidden abilities. Swablu, Drifloon, Riolu, Munna, Sigilyph, Igglybuff, Shuckle, Porygon, Staryu, Ralts, Bronzor, Spiritomb, Smoochum, Togepi, Rotom, Beldum, Slowpoke and Hoothoot can all be obtained this way. In addition, having the appropriate Gen4 card will allow Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Ho-oh or Lugia to be captured.
Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus, though. They have something even more special:
SURPRISE. They have alternate "Therian" forms. Their normal forms are "Incarnate" forms, as an aside. If the Reveal Glass item is used on them they'll switch between forms. The forms have different stats.
Tornadus's attack and sp.attack drop slightly do boost its speed and defenses . . . slightly. And it also becomes a goofy-ass bird.
Thundurus's attack and speed drop but it's Sp.Attack rises.
Landorus's Sp.Attack and Speed drop but its Attack rises.
Overall it's just kind of weird.
- - -
-Phone Call-
: Oh . . . hi. I'm out in the wilderness because you kicked me out of the house. Maybe I'm gonna go in this ruined tunnel on Twist Mountain, I dunno!
: Wow! Route 7, huh? That's amazing! How are you getting along with your Pokémon?
: They all bite or burn on contact with skin. So the usual.
: You know, the reason you can go to all these great places is because of your Pokémon.
: Two of the "great" places I've been were the sewers. Twice.
: Always be grateful for them. And take them straight to the Pokémon Center if they get hurt! And that's it from the former Pokémon Center receptionist . . . mom!
- - -
Choro Notes: The only monsters added to this area's wild encounters were Seviper and Zangoose. They're rare and I didn't see a single one.
Choro Notes: X-Scissor's still in the same spot. Noooone of my duders can learn it. Honk.
Outta the way, muscles.
Well shouldn't you be Eliting somewhere?
but I can't let you into Twist Mountain!"
Choro Notes: For whatever reason, Marshal is the posted guard to Twist Mountain. I have no idea why.
- - -
Yup, this is the place. The tower being a tower and all.
Music: Dragonspiral Tower
. . .
was built here."
Well considering I didn't see a single ghost or psychic-type outside, I think they just live in the tower.
Completely ruined her. Was barely a challenge.
The plane flying was not dependent on me. You could have gone with her any time. Don't hold up research on my account.
Choro Notes: The Lucky Egg increases EXP gained for the holder. Normally it's only found rarely on wild Chansey but Prof. Juniper gives you one in both Black/White and Black2/White2.
Hey yeah, I'm gonna go ring the bell for Hugh's Purrloin. See you there.
Whoa! Inappropriate! This is a grave site!
Choro Notes: Fun fact: Because of Redjru's Adaptability ability, Aqua Tail will do more damage to this Musharna than a super effective Crunch would.
Very inappropriate.
See? Now playing with your ghost? That's fine. Because it's a GRAVE SITE.
You got a good outlook, kid. Hug that little candle close.
. . .
Well, alright. But remember this is a GRAVE SITE. Geez.
Choro Notes: Socialite Grace shows up in Black as well, you face her in Black City where she uses a Salamence.
Choro Notes: Oh . . .
Choro Notes: Sludge Wave is 5 points stronger than Sludge Bomb but only a 10% chance of poisoning the target. It also hits all surrounding monsters in multi-battle. I'm just sort of doubling up on poison because really I wasn't ever using Minimize.
Or is it better when you cannot forget?"
That's really heavy.
Another TM, Another move nobody I have can use.
RIP Hugh's stupid dead cat.
Choro Notes: Black2 tries to treat gems like how Gen4 treated Arceus's plates but really it's not even close to the same.
Oh. Alberta's gone. WAS SHE A GHOST?!
- - -
. . . o-oh. You got bigger.
- - -
Oh, well it's good you came here to rest then. I wonder why that happened.
Choro Notes: Alberta's the only trainer I can think of that does this. When you defeat her she comes to the Pokémon Center. The reason? Well . . .
New Medals:
Signboard Starter - A Medal for those who are very keen to collect information and checked five Trainer Tips signs.
Battle Veteran - A Medal for tremendously courageous Trainers who went through 400 battles.
Superb Locator - A Medal to prove the adventurous spirit of people who didn't miss rustling grass and dust clouds.
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