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#27. The Town Where Nothing Changed
Crazy weather we're having.
Music: Mistralton City
Oh . . . Oh jeez, was I supposed to do something there? Oh well.
Who isn't?
. . . Care . . . . yeah.
Choro Notes: Coming to this NPC will net you an HP Up if the number of TMs you have reaches 10, 20, 35, 50, 70, and 95.
I know. I KNOW.
- - -
Oh! You're uh, the professor broad from the phone.
It's fine, really. I'm honestly not going out of my way. You get me?
Yeah, yeah I'm su—
. . .
I know what it is!
Irresponsible breeders, that's what I think. Importin' and releasin' from other regions.
makes it fun . . . "
Yea, I've seen her before on the tv.
reach Opelucid City by foot."
Choro Notes: Surprise. Twist Mountain is completely blocked off until the end game due to a cave in. Wah wahhh.
. . . she didn't even let you answer.
attention to anyone outside her head.
Does she do that often?
Choro Notes: You meet both Skyla and Prof. Juniper's father in the same place in Black/White.
Choro Notes: You've basically got the exact option here. You can face Skyla immediately if you really want, but her party bottoms out at L.40.
P.S. We're just gonna fight her because what up.
- - -
Choro Notes: The Sky Drop TM is still in the same place as it was in Black/White. It's also still banned in Wi-Fi matches due to the glitch that could be caused in Black/White. The glitch is no longer present in Black2/White2 but nevertheless, still banned.
"Wouldn't've happened if I were properly hydrated like you. Boom."
away like a certain someone just was!"
Choro Notes: The gym is straight forward. Run when the fans aren't blowing. Stop behind a wall when they are.
Choro Notes: The trainers in it are baseline L.40, but honestly it's not that hard due to all the weaknesses.
I'm sorry, can we just turn the fans off now?
Music: Battle! Unova Gym Leader
Choro Notes: Skyla hasn't really changed since Black, she switched her Unfezant out for something a little harder. That's it.
Choro Notes: Skyla's biggest weakness is, believe it or not, the sheer number of weaknesses her monsters have. Her Swoobat has switched out Heart Stamp for Psychic and Assurance for Energy Ball in challenge mode. I am assuming it's meant to beat Rock-types but eh.
Choro Notes: The problem with having an out for Rock-types is that's just one of Swoobat's problems: It's also weak to Ice, Electricity, Ghost and Dark.
Choro Notes: Skyla's Swanna only gets BubbleBeam replaced with the more powerful Surf in Challenge mode. (And the requisite level boost). Otherwise it's exactly the same: double weak to electricity.
Choro Notes: It's also got a Sitrus Berry that pluck takes care of nicely.
Well that was bound to happen.
We've got a secret weapon you couldn't have been expecting, HEH.
What? Oh. OH.
Still double weak to it, though.
Yeah, if it lowers your attack like that again, just bite HARDER.
Just a test, see how strong you are Redjru.
Came really close to ruining a Sigilyph seven levels higher than it was by itself. Not bad.
Choro Notes: Every one of those attacks was Super Effective on Sigilyph, who has the same typing as Swoobat. It should also be noted, Skyla doesn't normally use Sigilyph, it's exclusive to her Challenge Mode team.
Choro Notes: Skarmory is the last monster she has. While it doesn't have the Ice or Rock weaknesses the rest of her team has it's also just weak to Fire. Observe:
Choro Notes: This battle's pretty much over. Skarmory's Challenge Mode moveset, as it were. Adds the Sitrus Berry it was holding and replaces Fury Attack with X-Scissor.
Oh that's just insult to injury.
Choro Notes: Honestly, my team was just perfectly set up to ruin Skyla. This honestly isn't hard to do as I said: They have a lot of weaknesses.
Shit, I didn't even wanna do this at the start.
Everyone always brings up two-years ago. Was it that amazing? I mean, I remember the gigantic drill castle, and the legendary dragons and all but.
Two more holes to stick things in, yea. Alright.
Choro Notes: Acrobatics still has that weird thing where just not much learns it. Of Pre-gen5 monsters added to the new dex that learn it Zubat, Gligar and Drifloon were added. The first two learn the move by level up and all by Level 30. It's just such a bizarre choice for a TM.
Hey before you turn the fans back on, I heard this gym was a lot more painful/dangerous? What's the deal with that?
"Oh. They made me take down the cannons about a year ago after that lady broke her neck. . . . That . . . that was a bad day. Anyway bye!!!"
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