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Bianca's Science Journal Entry #2
Hello Science Journal!
Assistant to the professor Bianca is here on the scene! I've been in Chargestone Caves for a while now looking for a Tynamo. Professor Juniper said they're very important for evolutionary studies, but they're pretty hard to find to tell the truth! I did manage to see Vinny when he came through, I wonder if he was able to find one?
Speaking of the Professor, she was apparently going up into the Celestial Tower near Skyla's gym! I don't know if you knew Journal, but this is where I met Wikwik, my Chandelure! I still have her nearby at all times; she makes it really easy to write in you in the dark C=
Also lately, I've been really getting into new movies out of Pokestar Studios! There's this cute new actress there named Rosa! I saw her in one where she had to fight evil Pokémon from the future! Or maybe it was a zombie Pokémon...I don't really remember but the special effects were amazing! I wonder how they do that kind of thing?
Anyway, I do have some big plans coming up Journal! Professor Juniper told me that I need to take a trip real soon! Something about studying a legendary Pokémon maybe? All I know is she said it was pretty far away... I wonder if it'll be a long boat ride? I'm not too good at those. This one time I tried to get to Victory Island and... well I'll spare you the details... =C
Still, I hope Vinny is doing okay! He seems like he has a good head on his shoulders and to get up here, he must have gotten a couple badges so far! I bet having a Steel type is really helpful! I wonder if there's any Steel type Pokémon who would get along well with me and my Pokémon? This cave is full of Klinks, hmm...
I should get back to work though! Those Tynamo aren't going to find themselves! I'll try to get back to you when I have more to report Journal!
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