Legend Summaries

Summaries of every single legendary permanent in Magic: the Gathering, presented by set release. Follow the storyline through its characters.
There's a whole lot of Magic: the Gathering obsession in these parts, and a lot of it is on Magic's flavor. The settings, the stories, all the characters and races. This site is a compendium for the stuff most people don't know about on their wizardcards.
Summaries of every single legendary permanent in Magic: the Gathering, presented by set release. Follow the storyline through its characters.
We use the scientific method to rank creatures in Magic: the Gathering. It is highly serious and objective. The results are non-debateable.
Take a spin on the Wheel of Fortune, as Chorocojo randomly pulls a Magic card from the entirety of Magic and then talks about it.
Drake [dreyk] noun
1. A dimunitve relative of the dragon
2. A male duck.
Telling them apart? Tricky.
Occasional Magic fanart, theorizing, and a whole heap of making things better by making them worse. Also: a whole lot of other art to look at!
There's probably more Magic stuff coming soon, but you might want to check out the Arazancar art / world project in the mean time. It's pretty great!
This site is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or specifically approved by Wizards of the Coast LLC. Magic: The Gathering, the cards, the art, the mana symbols, associated symbols and character & setting names and likenesses here are copyrighted by Wizards of the Coast, LLC.
This is only a labor of love written and maintained by Chorocojo.