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#15. Heston Syndrome
So they just sit in a shed forgotten then? Neat.
What up, Chuck?
"My . . name's not. . . whatever."
Sounds hot! I'm in, Chuck.
Please be advised, my Dewott will be serving as creative consultant on this one.
" . . . "
Music: PokéStar Filming
Knock out SFX Prop T1 in four scenes.
Scene 1 - Steal the foe's item!
Scene 2 - Attack the foe!
Scene 3 - Attack the foe!
Scene 4 - Deliver the decisive blow!
Choro Notes: Like a lot of the first ones, this one gets progressively more "There is a good chance you will lose because of a crit or an attack missing, etc."
Choro Notes: Prop T1 is a Steel-type with Motor Drive, it is hold Choice Specs (which you need to recover for your assistant.) Its only moves are Clear Smog, Flame Burst and Discharge. You have a Solosis with a Magnet, knowing Trick and Psyshock.
Choro Notes: If you don't trick the Choice Specs off of the Prop, it will most likely overwhelm and finish off your Solosis, but even then.
Thanks, Chuck.
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Ah yes, another masterpiece. I do wish that one had a climax or resolution but really now we can't all be big Kalos-style stars.
You are my favorite adoring fan.
You know it, Skip.
" . . . "
Hey, idea. Can we maybe have a whole script before we film the first act? I think— No? Alright.
Last for five scenes! Don't knock out SFX Prop K1.
Scene 1 - Protect yourself from attacks! The line you choose is important!
Scene 2 - Change your foe's Ability!
Scene 3 - Pay attention to your Pokémon's HP!
Scene 4 - Withstand your foe's attack!
Scene 5 - Withstand your foe's attack!
Choro Notes: Prop K1 is a Fighting-type with Huge Power, holding a Rocky Helmet. It has Focus Punch, Mach Punch and Taunt. You have a Duosion holding a Sticky Barb that knows Skill Swap, Protect and Rest.
Choro Notes: I actually did this one wrong! You're supposed to use Protect on the first turn to block the Mach Punch, then Skill Swap out its Huge Power (so that you can survive multiple blows) on the second before Resting on turn 3 and just sort of praying you don't get crit'd.
Well duh what else would it be?
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Gosh I'm just so amazing. I'm gonna be a huuuuuge star. ![:swoon:](http://www.kisamayatsu.com/letsplay/black2/Update15/emot-swoon.gif)
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Knock out SFX Prop T1 with Thunder. Don't knock it out with any other move.
Scene 1: Steal the foe's item! The line you choose is important!
Scene 2: Change your foe's ability!
Scene 3: Make sure you hit the foe!
Scene 4: Make sure you hit the foe!
Scene 5: Make sure you hit the foe!
Choro Notes: This time you're fighting both previous props: The fighting-type is now holding a Red Card and knows Hammer Arm, Jump Kick and Mach Punch. The Steel-type is holding a Wide Lens and knows Signal Beam, Icicle Crash (?) and Overheat.
You have a Reuniclus with Thunder, Skill Swap, Trick & Rain Dance. It's holding a Magnet.
The trick is you need to steal the Red Card (which forces a switch when the holder is hit) to force the opponent to switch in the Steel-type prop. After that you need to switch out the Steel-type's Motor Drive ability (since it will negate Thunder's damage). You then should use Rain Dance to both give Thunder perfect accuracy and to weaken Overheat. If you don't there's a good chance you'll just be incinerated. Of course if your opponent gets a critical at ANY TIME, you are also dead and will need to re-do the whole thing. This movie took four attempts, each failure was because Overheat just decided to kill me. You then have to sit through all of the dialogue again. It's kind of terrible.
Four tries. Ughhhhhh.
- - -
And people say contracts are hard to do good.
movie with bated breath!"
your powerful movies!"
I love this job! I love being a star! I love getting snacks!
New Medals:
Sci-Fi Movie Master - A Medal commemorating the release of the full series of "Timegate Traveler" in Pokéstar Studios.
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