Man vs. Wild is a survival television series on the Discovery
Channel hosted by and starring Edward Michael "Bear" Grylls. The show
follows Bear as he is stranded in the wilds of various regions, where he
then tries to survive and find a way back to civilization. Bear Grylls
has established himself as something of a brand, with a number of rather
vigorous fans thanks to the "badass antics" he performs on his show.
And a natural extension of this brand is, of course, a video game! Man vs. Wild,
the video Game, is a multi-platform release wherein you play as Bear
Grylls and try to learn real-life survival techniques while enduring
digital hardships in various environments.
Chorocojo and I like to fashion ourselves as naturalists of a sort, so how will we fair against a Wiimote-driven simulation of nature's deadly challenges? Let's find out!